So, I've entered sem 2 for my first year...
What's not so great was my result..
I feel like crying a lake of tears right now....
But I've already cried before, so, I guess that'll do...
Haha... cheer up again....
Life will get better again, Now all I need is the strenght and spirit to do it all
Thinking back, I've got loads of responsibility...just hope i can DO IT ALL without losing my sanity in the progress...
One thing about me that I'll like to change is my sarcasm overload....
i mean I come up with sarcastic remarks in a wink, but when it comes to downright straight forward answer I need to think...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fave topic of our life, stress!!!
So, the weeks at kampung is stressing for me...
To tell @ NOT to tell~~ that's the question..
Having found out a secret, Let's just say I'm between the lines...playing,toying, and deciding..
Knowing this, I felt like shouting at that person, telling them off, giving a lecture 101..
But, then reality stepped in, I can't do that, they won't listen to me..
They think I can be bullied, and think I'm feelingless..
I have FEELINGS, I just don't show it, That's what makes me different from YOU..
Don't you get how I feel, year after year covering up what you all did,
Just because I don't tell you off, doesn't mean that I'm okay with it...
So, the weeks at kampung is stressing for me...
To tell @ NOT to tell~~ that's the question..
Having found out a secret, Let's just say I'm between the lines...playing,toying, and deciding..
Knowing this, I felt like shouting at that person, telling them off, giving a lecture 101..
But, then reality stepped in, I can't do that, they won't listen to me..
They think I can be bullied, and think I'm feelingless..
I have FEELINGS, I just don't show it, That's what makes me different from YOU..
Don't you get how I feel, year after year covering up what you all did,
Just because I don't tell you off, doesn't mean that I'm okay with it...
Monday, August 30, 2010
So, basically my life just went ting-tong in less than 24 hours...
That was a week ago...
Now, my life is back to normal(?)
All I have to do is say the magic words and burst it out loud....
If I do that, it'll have 2 consequences...
1) they will respect my decision and we will still be friends...(yay!!!)
2) they would argue and boycott me..(no!!)
but in the END, it's MY LIFE NOT YOURS!!!
so, I can do whatever I deem right..
If you want fight, bring it on...It's your call..
That was a week ago...
Now, my life is back to normal(?)
All I have to do is say the magic words and burst it out loud....
If I do that, it'll have 2 consequences...
1) they will respect my decision and we will still be friends...(yay!!!)
2) they would argue and boycott me..(no!!)
but in the END, it's MY LIFE NOT YOURS!!!
so, I can do whatever I deem right..
If you want fight, bring it on...It's your call..
Saturday, July 17, 2010
PRINTER!! and being thankful...
Today, my uncle brought me a printer.....
YAY!!! Alhamdulillah.... now, I can easily print my assignment, lecture note and tutorials...
Kalau nak ikutkan, I'm very HAPPY and THANKFUL right now...
Thanks Pak Leh, coz bawak printer n terangkan cara nak guna...
Plus, thanks to mom n dad coz sponsor untuk beli...
Thanks jugak kat mom n dad for sending me to UKM, supporting my decisions, helping me through life, making sure I survived, teaching me, giving me the opportunity to have an education, and for million and billions of thing in life!!!!
I can never ask for more...
Thanks to Mak Long, because you bagi saya semangat untuk berjuang, semangat untuk belajar dalam bidang ni, and u taught me to be thankful with what I have...
Thanks to Kak Hasra, sebab bgtau pasal bidang ni...
to my friend in KMK, thank for all your help, support n love....
Let's do our best n make the world a better place~~~
Friday, July 16, 2010
Tanggal 4/7/10, bermulalah hidupku sbgai mahasiswi di ukm....
huhu, baru perasan kata i dah semakin dewasa~~~tapi perangai kebudak-budakan still ada...
time ktorg daftar kat UKM BANGI, akak-akak and abang-abang PC banyak membantu...(^_^)
they help us time pendaftaran, time angkut beg (betul ke sentence ni??), time sakit n bagi tips kat kami...
Our kolej, KOLEJ TUN SYED NASIR(KTSN) is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
because our seniors are VERY KIND and UNDERSTANDING...
walaupun kadang2 rasa macam ditreat sebagai kanak2, but you don't hear me complaining.....
haha..truth is I've lived my life rapidly, jumping from one thing to the next, taking on reponsibilities i'm not sure I can carry out but I do it still... Probably, it's because of my family's influence, or it could be because of my peer whom I think look down on me because i haven't "grown up" yet...or it could be because of the environment and the media....
and now I'm regarded as the matured one in the family, the place everyone goes to when they have problems....I'm not writing (typing) this to garner sympathy, but to show why kids want to grow up so badly... I don't blame anyone, but I must say, I grew up quickly because I wanted to be "in" and not "out"...
huhu, baru perasan kata i dah semakin dewasa~~~tapi perangai kebudak-budakan still ada...
time ktorg daftar kat UKM BANGI, akak-akak and abang-abang PC banyak membantu...(^_^)
they help us time pendaftaran, time angkut beg (betul ke sentence ni??), time sakit n bagi tips kat kami...
Our kolej, KOLEJ TUN SYED NASIR(KTSN) is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
because our seniors are VERY KIND and UNDERSTANDING...
walaupun kadang2 rasa macam ditreat sebagai kanak2, but you don't hear me complaining.....
haha..truth is I've lived my life rapidly, jumping from one thing to the next, taking on reponsibilities i'm not sure I can carry out but I do it still... Probably, it's because of my family's influence, or it could be because of my peer whom I think look down on me because i haven't "grown up" yet...or it could be because of the environment and the media....
and now I'm regarded as the matured one in the family, the place everyone goes to when they have problems....I'm not writing (typing) this to garner sympathy, but to show why kids want to grow up so badly... I don't blame anyone, but I must say, I grew up quickly because I wanted to be "in" and not "out"...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
the best thing about KELANTAN is the PEOPLE...
they're all VERY FRIENDLY and HELPFUL.... and best of all, THEY'RE DOWN TO EARTH...
hehe... after spending 2 days roaming the city, eating and buying stuff...
We're off to
It took us 2-3 hours to reach Pak Cik Hamzah's (dad's friend) place....
He was very friendly, helpful and let us stay at his homestay for free...
Terengganu~~~ there's the food, place and things to see n buy....
Batik and songket~~~
basically, at the end of the day(week)...
I've found out that kat Malaysia ni banyak tempat yg menarik and that we shouldn't let other people's experience cloud our judgement (beats me how I ever got this in the first place)
hehe... till next time..
p/s: I'll be posting about UKM KL next time...
Favourite quote nowadays, taken off the campaign…
You might be wondering 'why is she talking about a campaign?'
Relax, I just wanted to talk about my vacation….
Nothing like a good holiday to relieve you of stress….{well, sort of}
My holiday this time around is spent with family and my dad's friends…
This time, instead of the usual 'balik kampung' we added in a stretch, spending a whole week and 2 extra days at 3 different states… Perak, Kelantan, and Terengganu…
It's my parents' home state [does this term even exist???]
We spend 2 days at my Mak Su's house in Ipoh…
1 day spent preparing for my cousins' wedding..
And another day for my her wedding reception~~~the colour theme is purple and pink~~
*sorry, my camera died on me* T_T *have to fix it*
So, no photo's of her wedding dress and the couple…[don't kill me~~~]
The next day was spent at my mom' side at Kg. Changkat Chermin…
[loosely translated as village of high ground of mirrors]
Don't ask.. I didn't name the village…
But still, it's a very unique name isn't it??
Back to the story, we are at Kg. Changkat Chermin because of a family reunion~~~
A bonus to this would be seeing my cousins, the negative side, there are some of my relatives I didn't want to see…TT_TT
So, urmm… lucky me…
The reunion with my cousins was a short one, but it was sweet…
I found out a couple of interesting thing and family gossips~~~ but no need to delve about that here..
We stayed for 3 days at kg. from Sunday too Wednesday, sorry, 4 days…. I'm not that good at calculating days spent..TT_TT
And then, we're off to….
It took us a whole day to reach Kelantan…
Partly because of the fact that we took the scenic route [i.e. driving] to Kelantan… the other method by flight[money..]
So, the trip took us through the Titiwangsa mountain range… a very long and windy dizzying road, not to be taken by people have a queasy stomachs and no snacks like me...
TT_TT [I get carsick too often]
We arrived in Kota Bharu 8 hour later…BTW, we stayed at a homestay… It was decent and had 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. It costs RM180 per night…
Two bedroom was fully air-conditioned…the other had a fan..
the best thing about KELANTAN is the PEOPLE...
they're all VERY FRIENDLY and HELPFUL.... and best of all, THEY'RE DOWN TO EARTH...
hehe... after spending 2 days roaming the city, eating and buying stuff...
We're off to
It took us 2-3 hours to reach Pak Cik Hamzah's (dad's friend) place....
He was very friendly, helpful and let us stay at his homestay for free...
Terengganu~~~ there's the food, place and things to see n buy....
Batik and songket~~~
basically, at the end of the day(week)...
I've found out that kat Malaysia ni banyak tempat yg menarik and that we shouldn't let other people's experience cloud our judgement (beats me how I ever got this in the first place)
hehe... till next time..
p/s: I'll be posting about UKM KL next time...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
h- how are you doing???
e- everything ok???
l- like to see you..
l- love to be with you
o- obviously, i miss you...
To everyone,
Yes- i miss you
h- how are you doing???
e- everything ok???
l- like to see you..
l- love to be with you
o- obviously, i miss you...
To everyone,
Yes- i miss you
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tic Toc
Tic Toc,
time moves on and on,
yet, why do I feel stuck...
a wanderer repeating the same routine...
going over the same thing again&again,
hoping and wishing for it to end...
but at the same time afraid of the end that's drawing near....
how could I be so afraid of something unknown...
how did I become afraid of the future...
Tic Toc,
the clock moves on...
everything that passed seems like a blur now...
holding on to those memories seems virtually impossible,
to remember every single second spent with those I love,
to be able to cherish it and hope time stops or pauses...
Tic Toc,
time waits for no one,
and i have to keep going,
pushing on and holding on,
making my way through life...
hoping and praying for it to be ok each day...
Tic Toc,
time will soon make me more mature,
more understanding, and yet it comes with a price...
experience and all comes with a price and the price is AGE..
as I age older, I become more confident..
Tic Toc,
If aging shapes us into who we are,
Then why do we detest it???
Why do we hate wrinkles and spend so much to look younger..
Shouldn't we embrace it and say
"This is how I look like, seasoned with experienced and battered by the wind,
like a soldier standing at the end of a battle" triumph and proud...
Tic Toc,
we might all be afraid of the future and what it holds in store for us...
but let's not forget to be enthusiastic too,
for the future holds so many probabilities that might make us smile..
time moves on and on,
yet, why do I feel stuck...
a wanderer repeating the same routine...
going over the same thing again&again,
hoping and wishing for it to end...
but at the same time afraid of the end that's drawing near....
how could I be so afraid of something unknown...
how did I become afraid of the future...
Tic Toc,
the clock moves on...
everything that passed seems like a blur now...
holding on to those memories seems virtually impossible,
to remember every single second spent with those I love,
to be able to cherish it and hope time stops or pauses...
Tic Toc,
time waits for no one,
and i have to keep going,
pushing on and holding on,
making my way through life...
hoping and praying for it to be ok each day...
Tic Toc,
time will soon make me more mature,
more understanding, and yet it comes with a price...
experience and all comes with a price and the price is AGE..
as I age older, I become more confident..
Tic Toc,
If aging shapes us into who we are,
Then why do we detest it???
Why do we hate wrinkles and spend so much to look younger..
Shouldn't we embrace it and say
"This is how I look like, seasoned with experienced and battered by the wind,
like a soldier standing at the end of a battle" triumph and proud...
Tic Toc,
we might all be afraid of the future and what it holds in store for us...
but let's not forget to be enthusiastic too,
for the future holds so many probabilities that might make us smile..
home sweet home

I used to wonder what it means,
till i met you down the road.
you looked so lost and in need,
i took you in and cleaned you up..
your eyes begged me for mercy,
asking what i would do,
I'm not a monster idiot..i said
as i gave you something to eat..
you light up my life soon after,
and we laughed during those sweet times,
but one day, you had a fever,
i took you to the doctor,
you felt so hot, it scared me...
Rain poured down when we arrived,
my eyes were brimming with tears,
you looked so sick, it pained me.
God, please let her be alright...
The doctor took you in,
checked you and gave medicine,
while i waited outside unable to breath...
i took you back home that night,
and let you sleep next to me...
I don't want you to go away...
That was 2 months ago,
now, you're back to ur old self,
the feline i once knew...
having fun together again,
under the same roof and in OUR HOME...
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