
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So, hari tu, I went out for a walk with my 2 friends, Nas & Syaimaa', to Tasik Titiwangsa...
While walking we were talking and chatting and laughing & someone was acting a bit too hyperactive...
Suddenly, we talked about Fiesta Technopeneur KTSN...
About the bengkel (ada 3 bengkel weekend tu, semua serentak)...
Hurm, I'm attending Bengkel Inovasi..
My frenz have opted instead for bengkel fotografi and grafik...
Anyways, time tengah berborak tu, tetiba masuk bab pertandingan video..
Then, entah mcm ne, me n my friend(roommate) nak masuk that pertandingan..
So, dengan penuh semangat, we (me) called the aka in-charge la..
Then, we found out, we have to make everything from scratch...
It was like someone burst my bubble...
tema: magical work of ICT
So, we used the whole nigth to find softwares that would help us...
In the end, she used paint(microsoft) and I used stykz (making sticks)..
haha, so, when everyone tengah celebrate new years, we tgh buat animation video...

Two days later, it was done...
And the video is only between 3-4 minutes, still choppy and lawak giler...
I think this is the only time I'm doing it for a competition... Tengok la... Kalau rajin n x malu, I uploadkan vid tu...
I made this all by myself...(bangga giler)btw, ni pic yg buat guna Microsoft Paint..
This is only 2 sec of the vid..

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