
Saturday, July 17, 2010

PRINTER!! and being thankful...

Today, my uncle brought me a printer.....
YAY!!! Alhamdulillah.... now, I can easily print my assignment, lecture note and tutorials...

Kalau nak ikutkan, I'm very HAPPY and THANKFUL right now...
Thanks Pak Leh, coz bawak printer n terangkan cara nak guna...
Plus, thanks to mom n dad coz sponsor untuk beli...
Thanks jugak kat mom n dad for sending me to UKM, supporting my decisions, helping me through life, making sure I survived, teaching me, giving me the opportunity to have an education, and for million and billions of thing in life!!!!
I can never ask for more...
Thanks to Mak Long, because you bagi saya semangat untuk berjuang, semangat untuk belajar dalam bidang ni, and u taught me to be thankful with what I have...
Thanks to Kak Hasra, sebab bgtau pasal bidang ni...
to my friend in KMK, thank for all your help, support n love....

Let's do our best n make the world a better place~~~

Friday, July 16, 2010


Tanggal 4/7/10, bermulalah hidupku sbgai mahasiswi di ukm....
huhu, baru perasan kata i dah semakin dewasa~~~tapi perangai kebudak-budakan still ada...

time ktorg daftar kat UKM BANGI, akak-akak and abang-abang PC banyak membantu...(^_^)
they help us time pendaftaran, time angkut beg (betul ke sentence ni??), time sakit n bagi tips kat kami...
Our kolej, KOLEJ TUN SYED NASIR(KTSN) is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

because our seniors are VERY KIND and UNDERSTANDING...
walaupun kadang2 rasa macam ditreat sebagai kanak2, but you don't hear me complaining.....

haha..truth is I've lived my life rapidly, jumping from one thing to the next, taking on reponsibilities i'm not sure I can carry out but I do it still... Probably, it's because of my family's influence, or it could be because of my peer whom I think look down on me because i haven't "grown up" yet...or it could be because of the environment and the media....
and now I'm regarded as the matured one in the family, the place everyone goes to when they have problems....I'm not writing (typing) this to garner sympathy, but to show why kids want to grow up so badly... I don't blame anyone, but I must say, I grew up quickly because I wanted to be "in" and not "out"...